Author Archives: admin

I recently bought a new toaster. Bright, shiny, plenty of buttons to press and an ejection mechanism that launches the toasted slice of bread into the air at a speed to rival the best efforts of a North Korean missile test.

Only one problem.

A standard sized slice of white loaf is too large for the toaster.

There is an annoying inch or so at the top of the slice that sticks out above the machine – never to be grilled to a crisp and juicy pale brown where butter will melt and marmalade will play lasciviously with my taste buds.

Always destined to be pale and limp this annoying and now very distracting sliver of bread is fit only for the bin or the birds. Admittedly, it makes for happy pigeons, but I didn’t honestly buy the toaster for them – I bought it for me!

So I have to ask myself, why is my toaster too small? Or perhaps (as any good consultant must consider) the bread is too large? In a world that is dominated by talk of everything being ‘customercentric’, it is clear that something has gone seriously wrong. The manufacturer has failed to consider the size requirements of the standard white loaf as sold in Tesco (and other leading stores) whilst no doubt proclaiming to all those willing to listen that the ‘customer is at the heart of everything that we do’.

Sadly for them, this particular customer does not want extraordinary service, I do not especially want competitive pricing (within reason), or a branding campaign to make me marvel at the creativity of the TV advertising. The after-sales product guarantee proffered by the store salesforce, desperate to earn commission, falls on deaf ears, and the so-called ‘free’ delivery options had I bought it online fail to win my undying loyalty as a customer.

What I want is a product that does the job it is designed to do – brown the entire slice of my slice of bread, on both sides. A product that is lovingly crafted by purpose-built machinery that never goes wrong. A product that sits nicely in the corner of my kitchen, often forgotten but always there when I need it. A product that sings with joy at the opportunity to perform the task for which it was designed.

You may be wondering why it matters so much and, in truth, with a local pigeon population destined to grow fat on the discarded remains of my breakfast repast perhaps I should be grateful for this unexpected functionality.

However, as I wander around the insurance claims and supply chain sectors where I choose to ply my trade, I often hear the phrase ‘customer centricity’ peppering the conversation. Demands for a customer-centric approach dominate the agenda and to such an extent that people who should know better lose sight of the main goal – which is surely to deliver a core service that meets real and genuine customer need.

So my advice to any claims or supply chain manager out there that
is looking to improve their operation is actually very simple (and, in
this instance only, completely free of charge).

Make sure the toaster fits the bread!

As I write this article the Labour leadership election is underway, President Trump has opened a new front in his war with Iran, and the bush fires continue their devastating assault upon millions of hectares of land in Australia.

Even this brief scan of current headlines serves to remind us that the course of events can change rapidly with major consequences for the economic, social, and structural platforms on which we seek to predict the future. So as I look ahead to the coming 12 months, my key concepts for the claims environment in 2020 eschew the more usual focus on technology trends, customer ‘centricity’ (whatever that means), and the new digital claims journey – all of which are rapidly becoming ‘business as usual’ for the modern claims department – and look instead at three fundamental issues that I feel should shape the coming months.


A frustrated insurer client tells me of a recent low-level claims project which required an investment of £15k from within existing budgets. The proposal, review, and approval process took a total of 6 months and involved around 10 different people! In that time the claims department had managed thousands of claims with £millions of indemnity spend.

Alternatively, a recent supply chain project I am aware of managed to review supplier performance and reform the entire supplier base of c50 members in a period of less than 9 weeks.

I could make a good guess as to which business is more likely to thrive and prosper in 2020 and beyond. The modern claims department lives in an ultra-fast world that demands rapid reaction to changing events and opportunities. Essential longterm planning and strategic development must not be allowed to strangle the ultra-fast deployment of new solutions and calculated experimentation.


The burgeoning world of InsurTech has often been described as a ‘threat’ to traditional insurance models and working methodologies. This can lead to something of a siege mentality in which the ramparts of resistance to change and development are fortified to repel the invading hordes! It is a massive disappointment to read commentary which suggests that the InsurTech movement has somehow ‘failed’ in its mission to drive substantial change, and the more traditional approaches have ‘won’ this somewhat artificial war.

To paraphrase Gordon Gekko from the film Wall Street – ‘change is good’. Change drives better business, new opportunities, and greater freedoms from the drudgery of some aspects of claims management.

The year 2020 should be characterised by a surge in the effort from the claims department to seek and embrace constructive change.


Speed and change demands of the claims department an approach characterised by ultra-adaptability. This, in turn, requires greater breadth and depth of knowledge at all levels, a constantly evolving and shifting internal structure built around flexible and multitalented teams, and a leadership function that shifts their focus from the issues of today to the opportunities of tomorrow.

This type of environment does not happen by accident.

Ultra-adaptability is a result of serious investment in people, systems, structures, and a willingness to embrace new thinking, ideas and methods of working. Equally, we must raise expectations of what we expect from our employees. Too often we equate working hard with working intelligently, but nothing could be further from the truth. The claims department of 2020 must grasp the essential difference between the two and demand of its people and leaders a new commitment to insight rather than process.

Ultra-adaptability coupled with speed of action and a willingness to change drives great performance and in 2020 we should all be seeking to raise our game!

The last month or so has seen me negotiating my way through the tortuous and, to my mind, somewhat deceitful renewal process for my private health insurance. Continue reading

As the government seeks to implement long anticipated changes in the whiplash and broader PI claims environment there will inevitably be two categories of response from the legal community. Continue reading

When Amazon first dreamt of an algorithm that would understand reader habits and recommend new books, authors and – of course – potential purchases by consumers, were they thinking of ‘how can we increase sales’ or ‘how can we help customers to find books they might like’? Continue reading

I don’t know who invented the concept of Customer Satisfaction but they did a grave disservice to the claims department. Like many other well intentioned beginnings it has become a destructive force of original thinking, solutions delivery, and genuine understanding of root causes. Continue reading

I recently bought a new toaster. Bright, shiny, plenty of buttons to press and an ejection mechanism that launches the toasted slice of bread into the air at a speed to rival the best efforts of a North Korean missile test.

Only one problem.

A standard sized slice of white loaf is too large for the toaster.

Continue reading

Just about every project I am involved in nowadays with my insurer and supplier clients involves a desire for transformation. Claims transformation, business transformation, process transformation. But what exactly do we mean by transformation and how do we go about achieving it? Continue reading